Bee Health

Bee Health:

Bee Health is essential to keep your hives buzzing.  Ensure the following:
  • Hygiene
  • Adequate food with all the necessary vitamins and proteins  - ( This is where Mineral Bee nutritional supplement comes in handy)
  • Protection from disease and mites (Varroa treatment and avoiding overcrowding of apiary sites)
  • Suitable temperature and moisture control
Some things are out of the beekeepers control;  for instance if you have ever experienced an AFB outbreak you will know the heartbreak and helpless feeling this brings.

Things we can do:

  • Site the hive in a sheltered sunny spot away from damp and not exposed to the prevailing wind.
  • Keep surrounding shrubbery down to a reasonable level.
  • Protect the hive with an entrance reducer to keep out small rodents and enable the bees to better defend their home from robbing or wasp attacks. (For really top protection from wasps install a HiveGate ...)
Bees are great at looking after their own health but a little assistance doesn't go amiss.
  • Remove old frames and grubby comb.  (Every 3-5 years is a suggestion) and clean debris from floor of hive.
  • Use a top feeder or entrance feeders over winter so you resist the temptation to open up the hive unnecessarily in increment weather.

  • Top Feeder with Lid


    Hive World’s 6 Litre Top Feeder comes complete with lid and bee saver.

    The top feeder is the easiest style of feeder for the beekeeper to manage and is commonly used by commercial beekeepers.

    Our model comes with a fitted lid to keep the sugar syrup clean and provide extra protection for the bees.  It also prevents the bees getting into the sugar syrup if you are simply sitting the feeder on top of the frames.

    However,  we recommend placing the feeder on top of the hive mat and making a small hole to allow the bees access to the feeder.  You are then able to remove the hive lid and refill the feeder without bees getting into the  syrup.  The fitted bee saver prevents the bees from drowning when they are accessing the syrup.

    Our 1/3 Depth Super is specially made to go with the top feeder and give you space on top of the hive for the feeder to sit. Purchased separately –

    For quantity pricing please contact us.

  • Vapmite Oxalic acid vaporiser


    The Vapmite is an Oxalic acid vaporiser (sublimator) for treatment of varroa mites.

    Very easy to use and an excellent product for the smaller operator.  Oxalic acid is a natural product that has no ill effect on the bees if used as directed.  The good thing is that varroa do not build up resistance to it therefore you can use it whenever necessary to get to grips with varroa.

    The recommended treatment is over a 20 day course – four times, five days apart.  This will catch all the hatching brood in the cycle. For more information on the reason for this see link –

    When treating in winter or if the queen is caged (when no brood is present) one treatment will ensure a 95% kill rate.